- OEM: Honeywell PMC
Honeywell PMC
Honeywell’s broad line of process instruments enable improved decision-making and keep plant operations running smoothly, efficiently and safely.
Field Instruments
- (Pressure, Temperature & Level Transmitters)
- (MVT) Multivariable transmitters
- Flow Meters
- Versatilis Configurator
Modular/Control Systems
- Honeywell Controledge HC900 SIL 2 PLC
- C300 (SIL 3),
- Experion LX/PC (DCS)
- Control Edge RTU
- Experion HS SCADA
- Controedge PCD
Gas Instruments
- Gas Flow Meters
- Flow Computers
- Gas Analysis
Terminal Instrument
- CIU 888 & Loading solutions (Fusion4 MS-L